At My Doctors Live, we understand the importance of providing health care to all individuals in a safe and secure setting. With monkeypox becoming prominent in the United States, our mission is to provide people with easy access to tests and a licensed medical provider for a low cost.
What is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus transmitted to humans from animals) that creates rashes and skin lesions on the infected. The World Health Organization states monkeypox can either be spread by having direct contact with skin lesions/body fluids, sharing items, or contact from respiratory secretions of someone who is infected. It may also be spread to people through infected animals due to bites, scratches, or ingestion of the infected animal meat.
What are the Symptoms?
The symptoms reported are upper respiratory infection, flu like symptoms, rashes, and painful raised bumps which typically last 2-4 weeks. The CDC reports that currently there is no proven or safe treatment for the virus, and most patient survive without any medical treatment.
Monkeypox Rapid Test
My Doctors Live aims to help the population combat and treat all viruses by eliminating risk of spreading through a rapid test that will be sent to the comfort of your home. Results should be available after 1-2 days of taking and sending the test back to the lab. If the test results come back positive, you will be prompted with a call from our results department to get you connected with a medical provider licensed in your state.
My Doctors Live
More About Monkeypox
My Doctors Live aims to help the population combat and treat all viruses by eliminating risk of spreading through a rapid test that will be sent to the comfort of your home. Results should be available after 1-2 days of taking and sending the test back to the lab. If the test results come back positive and you will be prompted with a call from our results department to get you in contact with a medical provider licensed in your state.
My Doctors Live
To request a free, on-site inspection from the Covid Rapid Response Team (CRRT), contact us today at 813-754-7777 or email support at support@mydoctorslive.com. We are equipped to handle all types of Covid-19 treatment services throughout the United States, including telemedicine and Covid testing, facility sanitizing, 24/7 cleaning, supplies and lots more.
As a dedicated full-service company, we guarantee to get you Covid free and back to operations. CRRT will certify our work to ensure your guest stay safe. Our team is equipped with the latest industry techniques, tools, and technology to provide you with superior results. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you!
Submit your informations below and please allow 1-2 business days for a response. Call 911 if you’re experiencing a medical emergency!
My Doctors Live
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Our staff is composed of Board Certified Physicians in all 50 states.
In addition to our telemedicine services, members can use our services for second opinions and even can use them for chronic care disease management.