Proactive Breast Cancer Prevention Tips
Avoiding cancer risk factors may help prevent certain cancers. Risk factors include smoking, being overweight, and not getting enough exercise. Increasing…
5 October 2022
What you need to know about Monkeypox!
Monkeypox symptoms usually start within 3 weeks of exposure to the virus. If someone has flu-like symptoms, they will usually develop a rash 1-4 days later.
29 August 2022
Top 10 fruits to boost your immune system!
Everyone is aware that consuming fruit daily can be beneficial to your health in general, but with airborne viruses and Flu Season being present it is more…
24 August 2022
Rossiter & Cummaro Enterprise joins #ReopenLakeland Initiative and Adopts The Cygnet School
Rossiter & Cummaro Enterprise (RCE) is excited to join Lakeland Chamber of Commerce’s #ReopenLakeland Initiative and adopt The Cygnet School.
8 October 2020
In pandemic, many seeing upsides to telemedicine
The COVID-19 pandemic shifted telemedicine from an outlier to a necessity almost overnight, and doctors say they can’t see ever going back to their old model…
31 August 2020